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Tips for Wellbeing

Be Kind to Youself

Be kind to yourself, not overly critical. Treat yourself as you would like others to treat you. 


Spend a few minutes each day being mindful (you’re trying to quieten that chattering monkey brain!) Listen to your breathing, count your steps as you walk, sit quietly and focus on how different parts of your body feel. Two or three times a week is great, daily is fantastic! 

Stay in the now
Be kind to yourself

Stay in the Moment!

Focusing on the present moment will help you to stop worrying about things that have happened and things that may or may not happen in the future. Worrying achieves nothing, unless you act in a positive way to change the thing that worries you. And if you can’t change something as it's out of your control, then worrying is pointless and self-damaging. Always return to the present moment. The present moment gives us space to just be. We are a human, being. We don’t always have to be a human, doing!

Don't let Worries Weigh you Down

Try and think of at least one thing each day that you are grateful for in your life - your children, your health, a partner, your home, family, friends, enjoying a peaceful walk in the park, watching a sunset, a past holiday. 


You can think of the same thing every day if you like! Life can be difficult and challenging and the present time is particularly challenging and stressful for many people. It’s easy to get bogged down in our worries and only focus on the negative. Not only does this lower our mood and give us a rather ‘heavy, dull’ feeling but it also tends to attract more negativity, so we experience life from a rather joyless and negative point of view.

Don't worry
Get some fresh air

Energise your Body

​When we are in a particular mood or mindset we tend to attract things to us that reinforce that mindset, be they positive or negative. By focusing on a feeling of gratitude or love (two of the most powerful emotions for raising our internal vibration) we develop a more positive frame of mind which lifts our mood, raises our vibration and helps us attract positive, light and joyful energy and experiences into our lives.


Get out in the fresh air each day if you can, do some gentle or vigorous exercise (whatever suits you best), drink lots of water, eat healthy food - your body will feel more energised and your mind will feel calmer. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, they are intimately connected, and when they are in balance you will feel more relaxed, less stressed and have a more positive outlook on life.

you are important!

Find time for yourself
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