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Sharon Wheeler's ScarWork

ScarWork is a relatively new & innovative technique developed by Sharon Wheeler and originally taught by Ida Rolf, a biochemist and creator of Structural Integration or 'Rolfing'. ScarWork is a very effective form of scar therapy and unlike most traditional scar treatments it uses very gentle, light and painless techniques to improve the feeling and functionality of scars and the surrounding tissues.

Softening and Mobilising Scar Tissue

As skin is healing after an operation or accident, different layers under the skin become attached to each other as the body rushes in to close and heal the wound. After a period of time the scar tissue that forms as part of this healing process can become rigid and 'stuck' and can connect internal tissues and structures that shouldn't be connected.

The gentle ScarWork techniques can soften & mobilise the scar and surrounding tissue with even dense internal scar tissue being improved. Nerve impairment such as numbness, itching, irritation and pain can improve, normal muscle function can be restored, and feelings of tightness and restricted movement in the limbs and other parts of the body can be greatly reduced.

ScarWork scar on stomach

Enhancing Physical Appearance -

Improving Emotional Health

Scar Tissue on wrist

Scarwork really can produce some amazing results, bringing about not only many physical improvements but also affecting someone on a psychological level too. Complex, often negative emotions can be wrapped up in physical scars so the treatment can give people the opportunity to face and perhaps release these emotions and move forward, enjoying a more active, balanced and fulfilling life.

Although the emphasis of ScarWork is to improve the underlying tissues and subsequent functionality of the body, visual changes in a scar can also occur with scars often appearing smaller, flatter, lighter and less prominent, sometimes after just a single treatment. Longer ScarWork treatments will often include some soft tissue massage to soften and mobilise any areas of the body which may have been affected and restricted by the scar tissue so that the body can better adapt to the positive changes in posture, mobility and function that often result from the treatment.


Many different types of scars can benefit from ScarWork. Scars can be a result of an accident, an operation (including cosmetic surgery) or a burn.

Even very old scars can be treated and improved with ScarWork treatment although there are a few cases where a scar cannot be worked on such as keloid scars, scars over abdominal mesh, acne scars and scars that are less than 10 weeks old.


Scars that can be improved by ScarWork treatment include:

Abdominal Surgery 



Knee Surgery / replacement

Hip surgery / replacement

Appendix removal

Gallbladder removal

Mastectomy and Lumpectomy

Breast augmentation / reduction

Facial scars

Childhood injury

Burn scars

Open Heart Surgery

As treatments are very gentle they are ideal for anyone with overly sensitive scars. The emphasis of this new ScarWork treatment is not to physically 'break apart' the scar, often the method of traditional scar treatments which can cause significant discomfort to the client, but rather to gently soften and mobilise the scar and surrounding area, bringing blood, lymph and nutrients to the scar tissue so that it can start to reintegrate into the surrounding 'healthy' tissue. Treatment on very sensitive scars would start well away from the scar itself, gradually

progressing towards the scar only as comfort level allows.


I will do a brief consultation with you over the phone before booking a ScarWork appointment to check the suitability of your scar for treatment and to answer any questions or concerns you may have. A more detailed health assessment will also be carried out in the consultation prior to your first treatment. In some instances I may require a consent letter from your GP or consultant confirming that it is safe to massage over your scar.

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