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Body Scan

Relaxed body

The body scan is often practiced lying down so that the body can be completely relaxed. It is therefore ideal for those new to meditation and those who may find sitting for extended periods uncomfortable. The object of the body scan is to have an 'in the body experience' by methodically but gently bringing our attention to all areas of our body, typically starting from the feet and ending at the top of the head.

We are not thinking about our body, trying to analyse or manipulate it, but we are simply feeling and noticing any sensations that arise such as heaviness, aches, tingling or warmth. We want to just acknowledge and accept these sensations without judgement and continue to stay present and focused .


As with the Mindfulness of Breathing, thoughts will arise which we may find ourselves starting to engage in. Without judgement, we simply notice these thoughts and that our mind has wandered and just gently return to being aware of our body and how it feels in the present moment.

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