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An extensive range of massage therapies and other specialist complementary therapies

in Beckenham and Croydon


Stephany Hoof-Smith, Complementery Therapist

Stephanie Smith

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A Complementary Therapist since 2004, I am trained in several disciplines including Oncology & Palliative Massage, ScarWork, Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Natural Face Lift Massage, Indian Head Massage and Reiki Healing. I have worked in health care environments, physiotherapy clinics, offices & sports centres and I currently run my own practice in the Croydon/Beckenham area.

What is Complementary Therapy?

Complementary Therapy refers to a wide range of healthcare practices that can be used alongside conventional medicine and can be very effective in treating a person as a whole, both physically and psychologically. It is based on the premise that there is a strong connection between our body and mind with each having a significant effect on each other in both positive and negative ways.

Balance of mind, body and soul

The Mind-Body Connection

Evidence of a strong mind-body connection can be seen in our everyday reactions and emotions. If we are nervous we may feel ‘butterflies’ in our stomach or perhaps feel a bit sick, when angry or upset we can feel our heart rate increase and may appear flushed in the face, and when scared we can get goose bumps, feel our body tense up and our skin may go pale. These are just a few examples of how emotions & feelings can influence our physical bodies, often in quite obvious & noticeable ways, but even the most subtle of emotions can trigger a physiological reaction. Many of these reactions happen subconsciously and go largely unnoticed, but they can still have a significant and accumulative effect on our physical and psychological health.

Benefits of Complementary Therapy

Whether targeting physical problems such as tight shoulders, lower back pain or tension headaches or psychological issues like anxiety, stress or

insomnia, Complementary Therapy can play an important part in helping to restore balance and harmony to our whole being. Addressing and alleviating one problem area can often have a positive effect on other imbalances, increasing our wellbeing and vitality and enabling us to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.

Benefits of complementary therapy
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